Amazon Echo TTS – With this its a notifier that will to Text to Speech for our Amazon Echo if there is an issue.APIXU – a weather API that is a virtual appliance that populates dozens of variables for the system to use – I use the upcoming day weather prediction and the current weather to set variables for our garden watering schedule.In addition to the physical devices, there are some virtual ones that perform special functions: That includes smoke detectors, door sensors, leak sensors, light switches, light bulbs, power outlets, temperature sensors, a thermostat, a water main control valve, and a garden hose valve.
Total devices (virtual and physical) the system controls is 71 currently. Well after a few weeks of adding things, removing things, testing out aspects of the new system everything is done. , the migration was going to be a bit busy because of all the devices we have and the learning of an entirely different system. As part of my many parallel projects I am doing around the house (which have all converged at the same time) I finished our new home automation setup.